Report: COVID-19 Vaccination

The COVID-19 Vaccination report retrieves vaccination details for active, suspended and deactivated users.

  • This report only displays users with vaccination dosages. 
  • If a user has had multiple doses the information will display over multiple rows.

Common uses for this report are to:

  • List users and their dose information
  • Quickly find out who’s fully vaccinated and vaccination expiration information
  • Find out if users’ dose dates meet your organization’s requirements

The following fields display in the report:

Column Name Description
Dose Date In MMM D, YYYY hh:mm a format. The user will have one row per dose. If the user has multiple doses they will be listed over multiple rows.
User Id User's unique identifier.
Alias Id Can be used to tie other systems together.
Full Name User's full name. Can be changed when individual First or Last name fields are updated.
First Name User's first name.
Last Name User's last name.
Status Report will download all users with the following statuses:
  • Active
  • Suspended
  • Deactivated
Email User's email address.
Country Code User Country (2 letter abbreviation).
Mobile Number User's mobile number. Hyphens are removed.
DOB User's date of birth in YYYY/MM/DD format.
ZIP Code User's zip code.
Tags A list of tags the user is associated with. Tags are comma-separated (ie, tag1,tag2,tag40).
Groups A list of groups the user is associated with. Groups are comma-separated (group1,group2,group40).
Zone Name of the zone assigned to the user.
Vendor Vaccine vendor's name.
Dose Number Dose number value.
Eligible For BluePass True or False values. If the user has both Dose 1 and 2, then Dose 2 will show as True.
Immunization Date This field is only populated after Dose 2 information is entered and a BluePass has been granted.
Days to vax expiry A countdown of the number of days to the current CDC guidelines for a Vaccination Expiry from the Immunization Date. 
Description Displays the information from the Description field that's available when entering Vaccination Dose information.
Checked A manual checkbox used by Adminstrators when performing Vax Validation. The default value is False. If the box was checked, the value will display as True and a timestamp will be shown in MMM D, YYYY hh:mm a format.
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