Report: Covid Vaccination Compliance

The  Covid Vaccination Compliance report retrieves the Covid vaccination compliance for active users.

Common uses for this report are to:

  • List of all active users with their current vaccination status
  • Quickly view who has a Pending vaccination for review and approval
  • Find out if a department/group is in compliance with being fully vaccinated
  • List which users have declined to upload vaccination information

The following fields display in the report:

Column Name Description
User Id User's unique identifier.
Alias Id Can be used to tie other systems together.
Full Name User's full name. Can be change when First Name or Last Name fields are updated.
First Name User's first name.
Last Name User's last name.
Heath Pass Indicates if a user has a health pass, and if so, what type (ie, BluePass, GreenPass).
Email User's email address.
Country Code User Country (2 letter abbreviation)
Mobile Number User's mobile number. Hyphens are removed.
Tags A list of tags the user is associated with. Tags are comma-separated (ie, tag1,tag2,tag40).
Groups A list of groups the user is associated with. Groups are comma-separated (group1,group2,group40).
Zone Name of the zone assigned to the user.
Vax Status List the user’s current vaccination status. Possible values are:
  • Vaccinated
  • Partially Vaccinated
  • Not Vaccinated
  • Exempt
Declined Reason User’s reason for declining to take the Covid vaccination.
Completed Records Displays the completed number vaccine entries.
Pending Records Displays the count of Pending vaccine record entries.
Hidden Records Displays the count of Hidden vaccine record entries.
Rejected Records Displays the count of Rejected vaccine entries.
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