Adding or Changing Organization Information

The Account Information page is available on the Settings tab and is used to enter or change information about your organization, including: 


The time zone you selected is the time zone for all your Reminders.

Adding Additional Languages to the Platform

  1. Click the Add button. 
  2. Click the drop-down menu, then select the language you want to add. 

  3. Click Add

The new language has now been added to the Platform.

For information on changing the default language for a zone, click here.

Enabling Single Sign-On and Anonymizing Admin Notifications

Click the slider to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) for your end users. Additionally, enabling Skip SSO Email Entry allows users to access your organization's login page without having to enter their email address. 


The Enable Single Sign-On feature must be enabled to be able to view the Skip SSO Email Entry feature.

Click Save after making these changes. SSO is a premium feature. 

Click the Anonymize Admin Notifications slider to mask user's names in the Notifications list. Click Save after making this change.

The notification will display the user ID instead of the name, and link back to the user's profile. 

Viewing Subscription Information

You can view information about your subscription in the Plan & Quota widget.

Deleting Your Organization

You can delete your organization by clicking the Delete button on the Delete Organization widget. 

When you delete an organization you are deleting all of the users, user information and statistics associated with the organization. 


You can restore the deleted organization within 72 hours, otherwise it will be permanently deleted.

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