Report: User Details
The User Details report retrieves all details for active users.
Common uses for this report are to:
- Create a list of users with pending vaccinations.
- Find users in specific Groups or with the same Tags.
- Update fields in bulk before doing an Import.
- Revalidate HealthPasses in bulk.
The following fields display in the report:
Column Name | Description |
User Id | User's unique identifier. |
Alias Id | Can be used to tie other systems together. |
Full Name | User's full name. Can be change when First Name or Last Name fields are updated. |
First Name | User's first name. |
Last Name | User's last name. |
User's email address. | |
Country Code | Country Code (1, 52, etc) |
Mobile Number | User's mobile number. Hyphens are removed. |
Created At | Date and time user was created, in MMM D, YYYY hh:mm a format. |
DOB | User's date of birth in YYYY/MM/DD format. |
Address1 | The address of the user. |
Address2 | Second line for the user's address. |
City | The user's city. |
State | The user's state in 2 letter format. |
Country | Country code in 2-digit format (ie, 1, 52). |
ZIP Code | User's zip code. |
Is Under 18 | Answer to agreement statement; True or False values. |
Language | User’s language selection. (en-us, es-mx, fr-ca, ja-jp, etc.) |
Tags | A list of tags the user is associated with. Tags are comma-separated (ie, tag1,tag2,tag40). |
Groups | A list of groups the user is associated with. Groups are comma-separated (group1,group2,group40). |
Status | User’s current status. Note: This report will only retrieve users whose status is Active. |
Zone | The name of the zone assigned to the user. |
Reminder Time | User reminder time preference. Note: Once a user sets their Reminder Time an Administrator will no longer be able to change it. |
Notify Via | User’s method of contact for notifications. SMS, Email, or both will be listed with comma separators (sms,email). Note: Once a user sets their Notify Via preferance an Administrator will no longer be able to change it. |
Has Pending Vax | Yes/No values. "Yes" means the user has a vaccination with the status of Pending admin approval. |
Disclaimer | Disclaimer approval. Accepted or Declined. |
Vaccinated On | Date when the user received Dose 1 and 2, in MMM D, YYYY hh:mm a. Note: The date will reflect the most recent booster. |
Forced Quarantine | Indicates if the user has the Forced Quarantine status applied in their User Profile. |
Days Inactive | The number of days the user has been inactive. |
Custom Fields | Any Custom Fields you have created. |