Report: User Details

The User Details report retrieves all details for active users.

Common uses for this report are to:

  • Create a list of users with pending vaccinations.
  • Find users in specific Groups or with the same Tags.
  • Update fields in bulk before doing an Import.
  • Revalidate HealthPasses in bulk.

The following fields display in the report:

Column Name Description
User Id User's unique identifier.
Alias Id Can be used to tie other systems together.
Full Name User's full name. Can be change when First Name or Last Name fields are updated.
First Name User's first name.
Last Name User's last name.
Email User's email address.
Country Code Country Code (1, 52, etc) 
Mobile Number User's mobile number. Hyphens are removed.
Created At Date and time user was created, in MMM D, YYYY hh:mm a format.
DOB User's date of birth in YYYY/MM/DD format.
Address1 The address of the user.
Address2 Second line for the user's address.
City The user's city.
State The user's state in 2 letter format.
Country Country code in 2-digit format (ie, 1, 52).
ZIP Code User's zip code.
Is Under 18 Answer to agreement statement; True or False values.
Language User’s language selection. (en-us, es-mx, fr-ca, ja-jp, etc.)
Tags A list of tags the user is associated with. Tags are comma-separated (ie, tag1,tag2,tag40).
Groups A list of groups the user is associated with. Groups are comma-separated (group1,group2,group40).
Status User’s current status. Note: This report will only retrieve users whose status is Active.
Zone The name of the zone assigned to the user.
Reminder Time User reminder time preference. Note: Once a user sets their Reminder Time an Administrator will no longer be able to change it.
Notify Via User’s method of contact for notifications. SMS, Email, or both will be listed with comma separators (sms,email). Note: Once a user sets their Notify Via preferance an Administrator will no longer be able to change it.
Has Pending Vax Yes/No values. "Yes" means the user has a vaccination with the status of Pending admin approval.
Disclaimer Disclaimer approval. Accepted or Declined.
Vaccinated On Date when the user received Dose 1 and 2, in MMM D, YYYY hh:mm a. Note: The date will reflect the most recent booster.
Forced Quarantine Indicates if the user has the Forced Quarantine status applied in their User Profile.
Days Inactive The number of days the user has been inactive.
Custom Fields Any Custom Fields you have created.
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