Report: Scheduled Tests

The Scheduled Tests report retreives the details for all active and suspended users who are scheduled to take a Covid test.


Only users who have scheduled a Covid Test will show on this report.

The following fields display in the report:

Column Name Description
User Id User's unique identifier.
Full Name User's full name. Can be change when First Name or Last Name fields are updated.
First Name User's first name.
Last Name User's last name.
Gender User's gender.
DOB User's date of birth in YYYY/MM/DD format.
Email User's email address.
Country Code User Country (2 letter abbreviation)
Mobile Number User's mobile number. Hyphens are removed.
Tags A list of tags the user is associated with. Tags are comma-separated (ie, tag1,tag2,tag40).
Groups A list of groups the user is associated with. Groups are comma-separated (group1,group2,group40).
Zone Name of the zone assigned to the user.
Health Status Health status of the user. Possible options are:
  • Not Answered
  • Low Risk
  • Some Risk
  • High Risk
Test DateTime The date and time for the Scheduled Test in MMM D, YYYY hh:mm a format.
Test Info Test information.
Test Type Test type. Possible options are:
  • PCR
  • Antigen
  • Antibody
  • Molecular

Note: Test type list is dependent on what is selected within Labs and Tests.

Lab Location Lab location name.
Status Status for the scheduled appointment. Possible options are:
  • Scheduled
  • Completed
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