Devices: CS Manual Tablet

  • You must create your locations, groups, tags and sections before you create a device.
  • CS Manual Tablet is a premium feature; if your organization uses it they will incur additional charges. Please contact for additional information.

Check Status Manual Tablet (CS Manual Tablet) allows a user to find their own profile or create a new profile, and to take the survey on a tablet.

  1. Click the Add button at the top of the Devices widget.

  2. Enter a Name for the device. For example: Main Door Kiosk or Reception 1.
  3. Enter a unique ID Code, thenSelect the Location where the kiosk is located. Optionally, add a Section.
  4. Select CS Manual Tablet from the Type drop-down menu. 
  5. Click the Add button.
  6. Enter a Headline and Description. The Description field could contain instructions for the user on how to register.

  7. Select the number of seconds for a delay for the screen to refresh. We recommend setting to 10 seconds.

  8. Select the Groups you want a new user assigned to, and the Tags you want assigned to a new user record.

  9. Select the type of survey you want the user to take.

  10. In the Config section determine if you want to Allow Duplicate Users, and if a Phone Number, Date of Birth and Zip code are required.

  11. Click Save at the top of the widget.

  12. Follow the Device Setup Instructions.

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