Adding Company Branding

You can brand your user interface by adding a company logo, icon, background image as well as custom top and bottom banners. Additionally, add URLs to the top and bottom banners of the Deep Link and Self-Registration pages to enhance your marketing efforts.  

  • Icon: Displays next to the organization drop-down menu.
  • Logo: Displays on the Deep Link and in emails sent to your users.
  • Background image: Displays in the background of the Deep Link.
  • Top and Bottom Banners: Displays on the Deep Link and Self-Registration pages.
  • URLs: Add to the Top or Bottom banner to open a new window.

This article covers:

Adding an icon, logo, or background image


We recommend using .PNG files that are less than 200KB. This will help your image load quickly.

To add an icon, logo or background image:

  1. Click the plus sign in the corresponding section of the Branding widget. 

  2. Select the image you want to add.
  3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Branding widget.
Branding Location Examples



Background Image 

Deleting an icon, logo or background image

To delete an icon, logo or background image:

  1. Hover your mouse over the corresponding image.
  2. Click the x inside the circle. 

  3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Branding widget.

Customizing the Self-Registration Banners


The CLEARED4 copyright information and version number cannot be deleted from the Self-Registration page.

You can customize the top and bottom of the Self-Registration banner by adding an image to the top and bottom of the page. You can also make the images linkable by adding a URL. 

Customizing the self-registration banners is a premium feature.

Customizing the Top and Bottom Banners
  1. Click the plus sign in the Self-Registration section of the Branding widget. 
  2. Select the image you want to add.
  3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Branding widget.
Adding a URL to the Top and Bottom Banners
  1. Enter the URL in the Top Banner URL or Bottom Banner URL field. 

  2. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Branding widget. 

When the user clicks the top or bottom banner image the web page you have linked to will open in a new window.

You can customize the user's Deep Link by adding an image to the top and bottom banner of the page. You can also make the images linkable by adding a URL. 


The CLEARED4 copyright information and version number cannot be deleted from the Deep Link.

Customizing the self-registration banners is a premium feature.

Customizing the Top and Bottom Banners
  1. Click the plus sign in the Deep Link section of the Branding widget. 

  2. Select the image you want to add.
  3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Branding widget. 
Adding a URL to the Top and Bottom Banners
  1. Enter the URL in the Top Banner URL or Bottom Banner URL field.

  2. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Branding widget. 

When the user clicks the top or bottom banner image the web page you have linked to will open in a new window.

Changing the Color of Key Elements

You can change the color of the following elements in the Platform:

  • HealthPass
  • Health Status
  • Quarantine Status
  • Check-in Cards
  • Banner Background
  1. Click on the corresponding colored square. 

  2. Use the slider to select a new color, or, enter the RGB values. 

  3. Click the Save button on the Colors widget. 
Check-in Card Example

When you set the colors for your check-in cards you have the option to select two colors for the card, a Primary color and Secondary color. In the example below the Primary color is dark blue and the Secondary color is orange: 

Banner Background Example

When you add a top or bottom banner your image should measure 640px x 60px. If you use an image smaller than the recommended size, you can extend the color of the image using the Banner Background colors.

In the Deep Link example below, the purple square represents the image and the orange represents the banner background color. To get a bottom banner that is all purple, you would change the Banner Background Deep Link to the same color purple as the image.

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