Zones: Adding Users to a Zone via .csv Import
You can add a user to a zone manually or by .csv import. This article covers adding users to a zone through a .csv import. For steps on adding a zone to a user manually click here.
This article covers:
- You must create your zones before you import your users.
- When you add users to a zone they will continue to receive their notifications, have their HealthPasses reset, etc. according to the Time zone set on the Account Information page.
We do not recommend frequently changing the zone assigned to a user (ie. hourly or daily). This is due to the length of time it takes for some settings to take effect, for example, the 24-hour cycle on receiving test results.
Creating a .csv File for Import
Creating a .csv File of New Users
- On the Users page, click the Import button.
- Download the sample .csv file.
- Populate the zoneCode column with the Code of zone you want to assign to the user.
You can find the Code for a zone on the Settings -> Zone Management page.Note
A user can only be assigned to one zone.
Please contact us for guidance if needed.
Once your file is ready follow the instructions in Importing your .csv file.
Creating a .csv File of Existing Users
- Search or filter for the user(s) you want to export.
- Select the users to export.
- When exporting data for one user, click the check box next to the user’s name.
- When exporting data for multiple users click the Click here to select ALL users that match this filter message.
- When exporting data for one user, click the check box next to the user’s name.
- Click Export. A .csv file is created and downloads to your computer.
Open the .csv file; scroll to the end of the file. You will see the Zone column.
- Populate the Zone column with the Code of zone you want to assign to the user.
You can find the Code for a zone on the Settings -> Zone Management page.Note
A user can only be assigned to one zone.
Please contact us if you need guidance.
- If you are making any changes to your .csv in addition to changing Zone information, read the notes in the section below and the make the changes needed before importing.
Once your file is ready follow the instructions in Importing your .csv file.
Notes on Filling Out Your .csv File
Please read the notes below to help you filling out your .csv file correctly.
- Using a .csv import to update user records overwrites the data that is currently in the platform for each user.
- The userid field must have a number in it. We recommend a consistent protocol in assigning user ids.
- If your user id's start with a zero, the zero will be dropped during the import process. We recommend adding a letter to the beginning of each id, such as "E" for an employee or "S" for a student.
- When you are updating the Groups and Tags for a user, you must include the original information that is assigned to each user, plus the new information for each user.
- If you leave these columns blank the groups and tags associated with the user will be deleted.
- When updating the Group for a user, you must use the Code for the group in your .csv. You can find the Code under Settings -> Groups.
- The time in the reminderTime field of a .csv upload will override the current reminder times, regardless of a user customizing this field.
- When uploading users for the first time, set their status to Suspended so you can ensure all their information in the platform is correct. Once you’re certain everything is correct, import the .csv file again with the status changed to Active.
- When there are multiple entries for tags or groups, separate each entry with a comma, but do not add a space. For example: manager,technician
- If you want to notify a user via both SMS and email, enter both methods in the notifyVia field. Separate the entries with a comma, but do not add a space. For example: SMS,email
Importing Your .csv File
- Remove any sample data from the .csv.
- Save the file, then close it.
- Go to Users dashboard, then click the Import button.
- Click the Browse button to navigate to where the .csv is stored on your computer.
- The .csv columns display, as well as information about your import. Use this information to make any necessary changes to your .csv.
If there is a match between the column in the .csv and the column name, the column is green.If there is no match, the column is white. If needed, use the drop-down arrow in each column to match the column in the database to the column in your .csv.
- Indicate if you want to create a new user when the userid field is left empty in the .csv file.
- Indicate if you want to update a user record or skip a user record when an existing user ID is found in the .csv file.
- Click the Import button at the bottom of the widget.